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The 3 levels of Car Insurance

The 3 levels of Car Insurance

Car Insurance Northern Ireland: When buying Car Insurance it is important to understand the 3 different levels available. This will enable you to make the best decision for your needs and budget. Below we explain the 3 different levels available.

Comprehensive-sometimes called fully comprehensive (COMP), is the best type of cover you can buy and 75% of drivers in the UK purchase it. It covers you, your passengers and property as well as any other third parties involved in an accident. It often comes with a lot of other benefits automatically included such as windscreen cover, courtesy car and driving other people’s cars however this varies from insurer to insurer.

Third party fire and theft-covers any third parties involved in an accident (including passengers) and covers your vehicle for fire or theft claims. It will not pay for damage to your own vehicle if involved in an accident. It is a good option for drivers who want a cheaper insurance but still want their own vehicle to have some type of cover.

Third party-this is the most basic level of cover available. It covers liability to third parties (including passengers and property’s). It is the minimum level of cover required in the UK and is generally the cheapest available cover for that reason.

You should consider the following when deciding which level of cover you want:

  • Value of your car
  • Do I require windscreen cover?
  • Would I need a courtesy car if my vehicle was involved in an accident?
  • Is my vehicle at high risk of theft of vandalism? (modified or exclusive car)

Contact one of our car insurance experts today for a competitive price on 02838 525 006 or for more information on what we do check us out on Facebook.