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What are Green Cards?

What are Green Cards?

The UK is due to leave the EU on 31st October 2019. Presently all drivers in Northern Ireland can travel to the Republic of Ireland without the need for a Green Card.

If there is a no-deal Brexit, NI drivers will need to a carry a Green Card when driving in the Republic of Ireland or any other EU country.

What is a Green Card?
The Green Card is an international certificate of insurance printed on Green Paper. It provides motorists with the minimum compulsory third party insurance cover (for vehicles and victims of accidents) required by the law of the country being visited?

Do I need a separate Green Card for my caravan and/or trailer?
If you are towing a trailer, caravan, horsebox or similar object then it is likely you will need a separate Green Card for each.

When should I contact my insurer?
You should contact your insurance provider as soon as you are aware you will be visiting an EU country, allowing them as much time as possible to issue you with the appropriate documents.

If you’d like more information on Green Cards please refer to the official government website for Northern Ireland citizens here